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At “The Fedora Files” I explore all facets of this world. We talk with captivating individuals about what drives them and what their passions are, in hopes of inspiring others to discover their own passions. On occasion we also enjoy diving into some of the most mysterious tales of folklore from around the globe.

It is a cornucopia of eclectic entertainment that we hope thrills and motivates you to discover more about this fascinating world around you.

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Jan 31, 2024

Chip Stetson returns and tells us all the ghoulish tales he discovered on his trip to Savannah, GA. 

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Jan 24, 2024

Native American's told tales of red headed giants roaming the United States. Let's talk about it...

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Jan 10, 2024

Miami, Florida more than 100 cop cars descended on a mall as people claimed to see large dark figures roaming inside. Panic ensued. Officials say it was a bunch of kids fighting with sticks. Eyewitnesses claim it was something far more sinister. I give you a list of what it possibly could have been, according...

Jan 3, 2024

In 1893 Theodore Roosevelt published "The Wilderness Hunter". In it he detailed the story of a frontiersman named Bauman who had a devastating encounter with a bipedal beast. What was it? #Bigfoot #sasquatch #demon or something else altogether

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