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At “The Fedora Files” I explore all facets of this world. We talk with captivating individuals about what drives them and what their passions are, in hopes of inspiring others to discover their own passions. On occasion we also enjoy diving into some of the most mysterious tales of folklore from around the globe.

It is a cornucopia of eclectic entertainment that we hope thrills and motivates you to discover more about this fascinating world around you.

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Sep 1, 2021

Creative Director/Principal at Soulcraft Allstars  Aaron Straight, joins us today to inspire us to be more, and tell his story of how he pushed and climbed his way to start Soulcraft Allstars. He shares how they tell stories to make the world a better place, and how you can use your story to help others.  Creative Storytellers | Seattle Filmmakers | Pacific Northwest Filmmakers (

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